School is out or almost so it is time to start thinking about finalizing your college application list. A way you can learn about a college is by visiting with a College Admissions Representative. We are very fortunate here in the Dallas Fort Worth area to have a strong network of college representatives. The
Dallas-Fort Worth Admissions Regional Network (DARN)is a community of professional college and university representatives who support students and their families in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. They typically visit high school campuses and participate in local college fairs as well as meet with local DFW students to discuss the college they represent.
This is a great time to get to know the local representatives for the colleges you are thinking about adding to your college application list. This shows demonstrated engagement and also allows you to get to know more about the colleges in a more personal way. Utilize these downtimes to reach out to them and set-up a time to chat. DARN has provided a membership directory of the member colleges that list the local reps' contact information and a brief overview of key programs and important facts. Click here to download the directory.
DARN is also offering a virtual college search series this summer. Each event will last two hours with
the first half-hour being a College 101 session followed by your choice of three 30 minute interactive sessions with groups of college admissions representatives. Admissions representatives from most of the colleges that are a member of DARN should be present at these events. Click here to see the flyer about the event and go to the DARN website to register for the date you want to attend.