To get started on your plan for college, attend one of these free college planning workshops today. Whether your student is a freshman in high school or a freshman in college, these workshops are sure to get you on the Smart Track™ to college planning.

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Thursday, April 25 @ 7:00 pm
What You Need to Know About Paying Less for College
Are you worried about how you are going to send your child to college without getting trapped in a financial nightmare? In this workshop, we will help you understand the landscape of the financial side of college planning. College costs can be confusing and intimidating, knowing how to navigate it will allow you to take control.
Audience: Parents with Middle or High School Students
Cost: Free Workshop
Location: Coppell High School Commons Area,185 W Parkway Blvd, Coppell
Topics Include:
Learn key college financial terminology and formulas
Learn about the myths that keep families from​ getting potential aid
Learn what questions to ask
Learn about important deadlines
Learn what students can do to get the best financial offers
And much more!

Thursday, May 2 @ 7:00 pm
College Planning 101 for Juniors
Juniors soon you will be starting your college applications. What should you be doing now? There are many important tasks you need to understand in order to have a successful college application process. The college planning process can be overwhelming, and you may feel uncertain about what to do. This webinar will lay out the necessary tasks and give you direction on how to handle the process.
Audience: Parents and Students-Grade 11
Cost: Free Webinar
Topics Include:
Admissions Overview and Trends
Academic and Summer Planning
Building Your College List
Application and Essay Advice
SAT/ACT Planning
The Financial Implication of Colleges
And much more!

Thursday, May 9 @ 7:00 pm
A Guide for College Planning for 8-10 Grade
The journey to college begins in the 8th grade. Many students take at least one course in the 8th grade that counts for high school credit. Once high school starts it is not too soon to start planning for college. Learn the things that students can do now, during their early years in high school, that can set the stage for a busy Junior and Senior year. Stay on track and make sure your student’s high school career sets them up for college admission.
Audience: Parents and Students-Grade 8-10
Cost: Free Webinar
Topics Include:
What colleges are looking for in applicants
College Planning Timeline
Academic Planning (AP, IB, Dual Credit)
Exploring Careers and Majors
SAT/ACT Timeline
The Financial Implications of College
And much more!

June 24-27, 2024
July 22-25, 2024
College Application Workshop
Who is this Workshop For?
This workshop is designed for rising seniors ready to embark upon the college application process in a small-group setting with the guidance of our college advisors. It is also for students who want to create a plan, apply early, and alleviate the stress before your senior year begins.
What you will walk away with:
A personal strategy to tackle your college application components and deadlines
The do’s & don’ts of the common applications used by the majority of colleges
One edited essay
Expanded college-ready resume
A Recommendation Letter Packet that includes a drafted cover letter to get the best letters of recommendation for your college application
Execution plan for completing the remaining essays and beginning the application process
A blueprint on how to manage your college list and balance your options
Cost: $695, Early Bird Cost: $645 if you register by June 1
Where: In-person at the InfoQuest Office
We are available as guest speakers for community organization meetings, high school classes, middle/high school parent meetings, high school career and college nights, private or public high school youth organizations, and corporate lunch and learn. We present to both large and small groups. If you would like to know more about how we can help you or your organization please fill out the Inquiry Form.